What my clients can expect
My relationship with my clients starts with the development of a road map to achieve their long-term financial goals. As part of this plan, I cover the investment, insurance, tax and estate planning aspects of my client’s unique situation.
I strive to serve as my clients' chief financial advisor. As part of this role, I coordinate the activities of existing professional advisors such as tax accountants, estate lawyers, lenders and mortgage brokers. If required, I will also tap into my own network of professional advisors.
I develop an Investment Policy Statement for each client, if they desire. This statement encompasses risk tolerance, expected target rate of return over time and any constraints on portfolio construction or investment philosophy.
Tax Planning and Minimization is a key component of the investment plan for most clients. As part of the overall plan, strategies such as income splitting, prudent use of leverage, tax sheltered investments and family trusts are evaluated.
At least quarterly, all clients receive a summary of performance. The information is presented as clearly as possible. In addition, the format of the report is reviewed with all new clients at the outset of each relationship, to minimize confusion or misunderstanding about how to read the results.
Each client’s account is monitored on an ongoing basis to take advantage of opportunities created by changing circumstances. In addition, each plan is reviewed at our annual meeting and any appropriate adjustments are made.
I make myself as accessible to my clients as possible. All telephone calls and emails are returned the same business day, either personally by me, or by my assistant.
I believe that my best client is the one who is fully informed. As a result, I have a strong commitment to client communication through regular updates to my website, newsletters, seminars and workshops for clients on topical issues. In addition, I maintain a library of some of the very best books on personal finance, available for loan to each of my clients.